London, United Kingdom
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Home London, United Kingdom
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Age 47
Gender Female
Ethnicity Caucasian
Orientation Heterosexual
Available For Men
Body Athletic
Height 5'11" -178 cm
Weight 170lbs - 70 kg
Eye Color Brown
Hair Brown
Breasts Medium
Butt Medium
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escort in London, United Kingdom
This site prohibits any offer or solicitation for prostitution. The information provided is for entertainment purposes only, and any activity which takes place outside of this site is beyond our control and is meant to strictly be between consenting adults.

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    Ayurvedic Treatment of Sexual Problems in Men

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    Ayurveda has an easily understandable explanation and treatment for common sexual problems in men (and women). And I as a healer by intimacy and eternal student and practitioner of Ayurveda want to let men know about them. I will do so in the alphabetical order of the most common sexual problems that men have in the western countries.

    As this article covers several sexual problems, it is longer than the character limit here permits. I therefore invite every curious male reader to read the whole article on

  • companion

    An ad for coaching among ads for sex?

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    An ad for coaching among ads for sex? Why? And why not?

    Due to the character limit in this space I invite every executive and professional man over 35 to read the answer on

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    To Men Who Seek Deep Connection Online

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    Men who seek deep connection go online. They’re willing to spend years of time, money, energy on finding it. But when one out of a million women finally offers the opportunity to create a deep connection, many men don’t want it. How is this contradiction possible?

    As this space has a character limit and therefore does not fit the whole article, you, dear male reader, will see that if you continue to read, the points in the article will deeply resonate with you.

    Continue reading on .

  • companion

    How Married Men Can Return Intimacy Into Marriage

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    How to get intimacy into marriage? This will interest all married or partnered men who haven’t been intimate with their dear wives or partners for years and don’t know how to bring intimacy into the marriage or partnership again even if they dearly love the ladies of their lives. Married men who most likely “solve” the problem by paying a lot of time, money, and energy to prostitutes who don’t give them intimacy either while the men could pay that time, money, and energy to rekindling the magic with the loves of their lives. The intimately frustrated married man for long years knows well that the adult industry doesn’t solve his problem and may even have learnt this fact the hard way before he came to my website!

    Due to the character limit in this space I invite every married man to read till the end on

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    Do my 3 roles unique worldwide conflict?

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    There are men who see my three roles of a companion, massage therapist, and coach as conflicting or contradicting instead of a holistic package. But these men don’t look beneath the surface. Here’s why these roles are absolutely not conflicting and happily cohabit in a beautiful package which holistically looks after the professional man working in the corporate world or business.

    As there is a character limit in this space, I invite every executive and professional man over 35 to continue reading on

  • companion

    See Courtesans for Celebration, Not Desperation

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    Men who see courtesans usually expect to be intimate with them. Yet why do 99% of men call for intimacy when they have broken up with partners, are frustrated, despondent, or angry with a circumstance?

    Due to the character limit in this space the whole article doesn't fit here and I invite every professional man over 35 who seeks courtesans to read the rest on

  • companion

    Why I Don’t Send Pictures of Me to Men....

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    any people from strangers to yearslong friends ask me to send them pictures of me. I always say no. And here’s why.

    Due to the character limit in this space I invite every professional man over 35 to read to the end on

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    Discretion: every man who sees companions, courtesans, or has a mistress wants it. Even men who go for genuine medical massages want discretion! And many women promise it. But how does discretion reflect itself in the little details that men and women play out in daily lives and communications? Are people really as discreet as they think they are? What innocent acts can easily betray discretion? You may well be surprised at what useful pearls you will pick up from this article.

    As there is a character limit in the body of this text, I invite every executive and professional man over 35 to continue reading how he can get discretion and be discreet with escorts, companions, courtesans, mistresses on

  • companion

    Mature Too Early?

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    In this article I’ll tell you why so many people use the word mature outdatedly when they relate it purely to age. Especially in the context of sorting companions, courtesans, models, escorts, etc. by age. And why its outdated usage is conventionalized so deeply that nobody questions it when surfing the net for a companion or a woman in another role. So if you’re now curious and want to be more mature about being mature, …

    As this space has a character limit, I invite every professional man over 35 to continue reading on

  • companion

    How Can Men Always Have Enough Money for Pleasures

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    One of the most frequent objections I hear is that men don’t have enough money to see their companions courtesans, mistresses, as often as they’d like – or can’t afford pleasures at all. But this is not an insurmountable problem. And here is how to surmount it.

    Due to the character limit in this space I invite every reader to continue reading on

  • companion

    Why High Class Is No More

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    …and hasn’t been for a long time. Where has high class gone? Why? How does a man looking for a courtesan tell who really is of high class? After all, everyone seems to claim to be…

    Sliding standards

    The concept of high class in companionship has changed. Firstly, the time when the society was clearly divided into classes in many cultures is gone. Now it’s hard to tell who is from what class. So the times when “high class courtesans” earned 10,000 a night are long gone thanks to the societal shift and also oversaturated market and the cost of living. Now even high profilers don’t pay anywhere near that as the cost of their living rises too, and they can get pleasures for far less.

    Secondly, a bad habit of the western culture is to pull out the superlatives too early to make things look bigger and better than they are and create commercial hype. This phenomenon applies to absolutely everything in the western society. Thus it also unfavourably reflects itself on the scene of high class companionship.

    High class superlatives

    Too many women, sadly most of them exactly not of high class, pull out the superlatives untimely and unjustly. Years ago a handful started describing themselves as upscale, exclusive, elite, high class, high end, premier, executive, and whatever else we see on search engines and in their advertising materials, and the rest followed.

    Now these terms are everywhere. Just type a search phrase for a courtesan in your city into Google. You’ll get a sea of these terms on the first page of the search results alone. Since less is more, more is also less. Every woman simply cannot be of high class, elite, upscale, or these terms would not mean anything. But since almost every woman now uses these terms to advertise herself, the terms already don’t mean anything! And our society has run out of words for trumping these terms because they are already superlatives! And so all we can do is pile them high on and on.

    High class fees

    High class needs public

  • companion

    Did You See My Details in a Directory Listing?

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    Did you find a link to my site in a directory listing? Or better still, did you find my site on a search engine and not in a directory listing? Then I invite you to bear the following in mind:

    The details in a directory listing are not always 100% reliable,

    because the construction of each directory site is – inevitably – limiting. Every directory allows an advertiser to put a different [and always limited] amount of information in a listing. 99% of advertisers don’t keep a solid administrative record of where they advertise. That results in them signing up on directories when an invitation to do so lands in their inboxes and then forgetting about their listings. Thus the listing will be visible on the directory, but the information in the listing could be years out of date. Some directories state when the advertiser was last active or logged in. That is a good measure of seeing whether the advertiser looks after her listing on that site. The statistical information that tends to be out of date most often is the advertiser’s age, physical stats, telephone number, email address, and location.

    Not all information in directory listings accurately reflects what an advertiser sells

    If I want to even create a directory listing, I must fill in at least some of its fields. These fields often portray me as what I’m not. Example: breast size or whether my Mount Pleasant is trimmed, shaven, or natural. How does that information matter if the person sells time, not sex? Yet if I don’t fill these details in, I won’t be able to even create it. And the point of me advertising on directories is to increase my visibility on the worldwide web. Visibility is important, because I can have the best website, concept, mission, vision, and purpose in the world, but it’s useless if no one finds it.

    Pictures aren’t everything.

    They’re merely the hook. The tip of the iceberg is always the advertiser’s official website. The pictures are the vehicle that connects you to the advertiser’s l

  • companion

    To All the Men Who Hate Paying for Companionship

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    Most men want to spend their finer moments with intelligent, smart, sophisticated companions with perfect bodies, flawless manners, immaculate presentation, and integrity. But they wince at the prospect of paying for the privilege. They argue that paying for companionship makes them feel uncomfortable. Well, most men don’t know how else they could think about paying for companionship. This article will show you why paying for companionship can be rewarding.

    For 3 reasons:

    The paying element will be there one way or another

    The money that you pay for a companion’s time is exactly the same as the money you pay a prostitute for sex or a salesperson for a house, car, or milk. Money is energy. Exchanging money for something that you want = exchanging positive energy. The act of paying shows gratitude, appreciation, that you value what or who you’re paying for. You’re supporting the product, service, or person to stay in business. Thus you give yourself more of what you want and make your world a better place.

    When you pay for a product or service, you support the business in evolving and improving. When you pay a person (such as a companion), you help the person to pay for her food, shelter, clothes – the basics of life so that she can contribute value to your life. It’s the same as giving money to charity. The only difference is that if you pay a companion, you know exactly where your money goes, while if you “give” money to a charity, you’ll never know where the money will go.

    Paying for companionship denotes boundaries

    The money that you pay a companion, courtesan, or mistress acts as a clear boundary of your relationship. Boundaries are necessary. Fences make good neighbours. Every world-famous coach advises that people set clear boundaries in every professional and personal relationship. Every person needs a home – their little patch on earth. A home has walls, windows, and doors which denote clear boundaries. Why do we lock doors, windows, and pull curtains e

  • companion

    Would You Sleep Without Me?

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    Would you sleep without me? Sleeping with me would keep you awake! And keeping awake is what people in today’s at least western society certainly do way too much of – to the cost of their health, productivity, and quality of life. Do you sleep enough? Or do you cast this beautiful gift down the priorities list?

    This society lives in constant sleep deprivation.

    And getting it to sleep more requires serious work. Paradoxically, even though people are sufficiently educated about the adverse effects of sleeping too little, most don’t seem to notice… And when things start going wrong with them, most hardly look for the cause in not sleeping enough.

    Sleep deprivation signals to us by making us feel burnt out.

    There’re people who think that burnout is essential for achievement and success. And as man is excellent at adapting, those people get so used to burnout that they’re not aware that they’re exhausted. That makes being tired the new norm. Some people view sleep as boring. Hence to them sleeping little is an act of pride – they say ‘we don’t need to sleep!’. But there’s huge economic cost to not sleeping enough. We think that we sacrifice sleeping for productivity, but we lose productivity to sickness, weakness, health risks listed below, and poorer mental capacity. People’s addiction to technology doesn’t help either – people find it harder to pick a time to disconnect and go to sleep,

    But we’re not machines – we cannot minimize downtime.

    Most of us need 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Everyone has an optimal length of sleeping time. Transition to sleep also affects its quality. If we wake up at night, there’s no need to stress about it. Segmented sleep is absolutely normal. But if we don’t slow our brains down before sleeping, they will activate immediately on waking up. If you wake up at night, ground yourself on your feet, have a drink of water, and do not go to technological devices nor any other work. Enjoy the calmness of the night and the fact that you have time t

  • companion

    When Men Who See EscorHave Unrealistic Expectation

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    One of the prevalent reasons why I send nine out of ten men who approach me elsewhere is that I quickly discover that our union would highly likely capsize because of their unrealistic expectations. Here are the most common unrealistic expectations that men have. I share them so that if you have them you can work them out before hiring your next companion or “escort”. [Yes, in today’s world these two words certainly have a different meaning. Hence escort is in inverted commas.].

    The 3 most common unrealistic expectations are:

    1. Companion, partner, or wife?

    If you’re looking for a partner or wife, don’t surf sites of companions or “escorts”. Albeit a life partnership with a companion or woman in other roles can develop in one in a million cases, it’s not realistic to expect that it will happen to you. Plus you’ll be wasting time, because you’ll be looking for the wrong things in the wrong places. If you go into a relationship with a companion with the mindset of looking for a partner / wife, your mindset and outlook will be incompatible from the start. And that will bring bad vibes between you and the woman. 99% of companions are in it for the money and you need to be realistic about that. Taking a second perspective will help. If you sold your time or body, would you welcome someone approaching you with the mindset of getting it for nothing?

    2. I can’t afford a whole night…

    So you’d normally see her for a few hours and tell her how much you’d like to spend a night with her. But you can’t afford the whole night? You’ll do better if you keep that fact to yourself. 1. it cheapens your image. Claiming poverty sounds unbelievable from a man who has money for seeing companions. 2. You’re making yourself sound unrealistic right away. Actions speak louder than words. And people are consistent in their actions. If you normally see her for a few hours, the likelihood that you’ll see her for a night is low. You’re not that extreme! So say what you mean. And say things th

  • companion

    A Tip for Guys Who Exercise

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    If you regularly exercise – especially in busy gyms – in 3 sets of 12, 15, or 20 exercises, you’ll be familiar with your brain going off course while the body is going through the sequence. Somewhere you suddenly realize that you’ve lost count and are in a quandary about whether you’re on the second or third set! How can you prevent this? How can you concentrate solidly?

    Easily! Make an exercise of your counts too.

    Reliably learn to count to 20 in 3 foreign languages that you don’t speak. 20 will cover the number of repetitions whether they be 12, 15, or 20. During your next exercise use language 1 for the first set, language 2 for the second set, and language 3 for the third set. You’ll see how sharp your brain will stay on counting! Counting in a foreign language will force the brain to concentrate on the counts. If you count in foreign languages that you speak, counting will be more automatic than counting in languages that you don’t speak.

    But regardless of how automatic the counting be, the brain will still be forced to concentrate on the counts. Hence you won’t go off course! And you may even find fun in seeing how quickly you can think of the next count word. And also whether you can master counting the sequence more smoothly the next time you count in this language… After all, it’s an exercise, right?:)

    And you can be even more creative.

    Learn the counts in 3 more foreign languages that you don’t speak. You’ll now have a stock of counts to 20 in 6 foreign lingos. Always vary the order of the languages. If you have only 3 languages in stock, you’ll be limited to only 3 variations. That will soon get automatic too. If you have 6, you have more choice to play with. Again, it’s an exercise, right?:) And in this case choice is better than no choice.

    Due to the limit of the number of characters in the body of the articles on this site I invite you to continue reading on

  • companion

    Respect = Do What You Say

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    Have you ever noticed that some people have your immediate respect while others do not? And have you observed that some people have great ideas but nothing happens with them? Do you know people who say they will do something but never do it? Do you say that you’ll do something while you have no intention of doing it? Or do you often say that you’ll do things out of politeness, but know that you never will do them?

    When we say that we’ll do something,

    we create an expectation in our listeners. If I tell you that I’ll call you at a certain time, I’m setting you up to expect my call. If I say that I’ll call and have no intention to call while saying it, I’m false or too cowardly to tell things straight. I mean well, of course – I want to be polite because I can’t bring myself to tell you that I don’t want to call you…

    But if I have no intention of calling, would I not be more polite and respectful if I didn’t say anything if I couldn’t bring myself to say that I wouldn’t call? If I tell you that I’ll call and don’t, I project the image that I’m not trustworthy. You cannot count on my word in future. I’m downgrading the weight of my word and placing myself in the crowd of sheeple who do the same thing. This may seem harsh, but if it describes your familiar habit, this article helps you to see its consequences. I used the example of calling you. Of course, this principle applies no matter what the action be.

    What can you do to gain respect?

    If you want to be credible and respected, only say that you will do something if you will really do it. Hold your breath and count to 10 before speaking out impulse-driven sentences that others will take as your word of commitment. Make this a rule and follow it. If you have to miss a deadline, communicate a new deadline as soon as possible. This will earn you a lot of respect and trust from everyone.

    Details and the big picture

    Successful people identify where to place the attention. People often get lost in the details when m

  • companion

    Gentlemen, Why Giving to Yourself Is Important

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    How are we redefining giving in our prosperous world? What’s making us rethink our forms of giving when we’re having it so good in life? And why do so many successful men leave giving to themselves till who knows when?

    Giving thanks

    Despite many affairs of the world going downhill and an economy that could be even better many people in many countries are thankful. Unexpected layoffs, financial setbacks, or a desire to spend more time with the near and dear have served as a reality check. A wakeup call for people to rethink their idea of wealth and prosperity. People focus more on satisfaction by the quality of life than on satisfaction by consumption. The big shift is in people questioning whether the ways in which they spend time bring them higher satisfaction than things that need to be done on autopilot. More money doesn’t necessarily lead to more happiness. So many people are getting off the hedonistic treadmill and looking for ways to realign with family and other values that matter to them.

    Different things to different people

    For some people that means starting a business that allows more flexibility even if it means less money. The learning is that money is here today gone tomorrow, but life experiences stay with us. I’ve seen friendships end because people’s coaches said “that’s not the right circle to be in”. Although many people have received similar advice focused on building wealth, they want none of it now. Albeit there will always be people who will focus on accumulating wealth, the focus of more and more people isn’t on pursuing financial wealth, but wealth of experiences.

    For others redefining wealth and prosperity may mean downshifting their careers. After almost losing their children and spouses many people trade their high-flying professional careers for simpler jobs. The most ambitious types admit that they’re happy with their decisions, but still sometimes struggle to maintain balance. Their personalities are very driven and to stop workin

  • companion

    Does It Pay to Be Honest With and About Money?

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    Does it pay to be honest with and about money? If it does, does it pay more than it would if one weren’t honest? Is it stupid to be honest in situations which give the option not to be honest with money? Will the last 2 paragraphs give you a valuable insight? What would you do in a situation like the one described here?

    One day

    I was depositing cash into an ATM. Nobody was around. I put the money in a depositing envelope, sealed the envelope, and held it ready for depositing. Then I inserted my card and waited for the prompt for a PIN. The prompt did not come and the ATM returned the card. The intuition instantly told me that something was strange, because the ATM was in service. The next question was why the ATM returned the card.

    When inserting the card I didn’t look past the card slot, because I needed to look at the slot. But then I looked down – and there was the answer. The cash dispensing slot was flashing. Then I noticed that it was open and had cash in it. I grabbed the cash and counted CAD$100 in 5 20-dollar bills. I folded the money and held it in my hand. The ATM returned to operation and I proceeded with the deposit.

    Should I be honest with the money?

    I pondered what to do with the 100 dollars. Take it and celebrate? But that wouldn’t be right – and what if someone would see and challenge me? Give it to the bank clerk at the pavilion to which the ATM was adjacent? He’d most probably thank me with a smile and put it in his pocket as soon as I’d get out of sight. Either way, this cash would never get to whoever forgot it there. Or what else? Was there another option?

    All this was going through my mind while I was depositing my money. When I finished depositing, I slowly turned around to leave. A woman who stood behind me proceeded to the ATM and started doing her banking. I observed her for a while, but it became clear that she wouldn’t be the one who had forgotten the money in the ATM slot. So I stood there and looked around for another while secre

  • companion

    A Tale of Two Cities: Toronto – London UK

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    What are the differences between living in Toronto and London UK? How does a high end companion who has bases in Toronto and London UK compare life in them? If you’re travel curious, here’s a limited account. Reading this tale of two cities will be much lighter than Dickens!

    I divide my time equally between Toronto and London UK

    Nowadays I always add UK after London, because there’s a London about 2 hours’ drive from Toronto and more Londons elsewhere in the world. Hence adding UK to London prevents confusion. Since there’re also 4 Torontos in the USA and one Toronto in England, I should also be adding Canada after Toronto. Yet somehow people don’t seem to be as confused about Toronto as they are about London, so I add Canada after Toronto only when I feel that the situation calls for doing so. What’s better about life in Toronto than life in London UK? Many people ask me this question. There’s better and there’s worse in each country. So I reframe this common question to what’s different about living in Toronto from living in London UK.

    The first difference

    is condo living. If you live downtown anywhere in north America, you’re bound to live in a condo or in close proximity to those who live in condos. Condo [short for condominium] high-rise buildings remind somewhat of hotels with their long twisted corridors [that could at times do with convex mirrors to enable one to see round corners] and many doors with suite numbers. The hotel resemblance is complete with a lobby with a reception desk where a concierge [also called a security guard] oversees the comings and goings of visitors and variously assists the residents and staff of the building.

    The terms condo and apartment are not interchangeable as are the terms flat and apartment in the UK. The term flat is not used in Canada at all, while the term apartment in the Canadian sense denotes a suite in a building which does not have facilities such as a gym, swimming pool, sauna, steam room, jacuzzi or hot tub,

  • companion

    Money money money...

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    With each coin of money you spend you’re voting. Spending money is as much a political act as, or even more so than, casting your vote on an election day. Every time you buy a product or service you’re helping an individual or a corporation to stay in business. Your vote says that you want the product or service to exist in the world. So what implications does this have on your choice of spending your notes and coins on companions and other entertainment?

    Most of us decide for ourselves

    How do your expenditures reflect your values? Do you choose to contribute to causes that are important to you? Do you buy products or services that are well designed or done even if they’re more expensive t

  • companion

    Men and Time

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    Every minute of your time on this planet you‘re making choices. Think of the options of saying yes or no to (s)exercise. By saying yes to one activity you’re saying no to a million others. Yet many men make choices with their time that prove wasteful. But unfortunately these men don’t see that it is the wastefulness that often frustrates them. How can any man start using time more wisely?

    Limited for all of us

    We have 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week, 8,760 hours in a year. If you were to live to a 100, you’d live 876,000 hours from the moment of birth to the moment of death. That is not even a million hours in a lifetime. You’d have to live to 114 to clock up a million hours on this

  • companion

    3 Critical Mistakes That Men Make When Selecting a

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    What are the most frequent critical mistakes that men can avoid when selecting a companion?

    1. Men don’t care who they go with

    Impatience, desperation, frustration, exhaustion, resignation, long-term suppression of pleasure, influence of substances, or various combinations thereof can drive this one. Hence when the urges hit, these men want a companion or “entertainer” immediately. So they dial several numbers and wait who responds… The danger of this approach is that men will end up selecting an unsuitable companion or “entertainer” who will care about her interest and treat them accordingly…. A vicious circle hence begins: men pay high amounts for awkward fake(d) “pleasure”. Then they ge

  • companion

    19 Ways Men Can Improve Their Intimate Life

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    If men need to improve their intimate life, it’s clear feedback reflecting something they’ve been doing to this moment. The quality of a man’s intimate life won’t improve unless he acts to improve it. Placing the responsibility of improving it on others won’t get any man anywhere either. So no excuse – one has to work to reap rewards. Here’re 19 ways to do so. Your doctor won’t tell you them and they don’t cost anything. So try them – you’ll lose nothing and gain plenty!

    1. If you are feeling miserably or depressed,

    check your eye line. Where are you looking? If you’re looking down which is where your feelings are, hold your head level and raise your eyes to the sky. Things will be looking

  • companion

    Why Massage Is Far More Rewarding Than Artificial

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    Most men who respond to massage ads still think and hope that they respond to ads for sex. Unfortunately in 95% of cases it is so, which makes the work of a genuine masseuse harder. Many men think that artificial sex with strangers is more rewarding than well done massage because those men don’t appreciate the importance and benefits of real massage. This may be due to social conditioning and the impact of the euphemism for unrelated activities that the word massage has unfortunately become. So here are the tremendous benefits and unassuming, understated, powerful intimacy of the beautiful art of massage.

    Massage is one of the most powerful forms

    of physical contact in the context of intim

  • companion

    Fancy a Massage? How Do You Know Which Massage to

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    When you fancy a relaxing massage, how do you know which massage to pick before you start researching massage ads?

    Swedish massage

    is the invention of the Swede Pir Henrik Ling. He used his knowledge of physiology to develop a system of treatment that combines massage with physical exercise. This became Swedish massage. Its aim is to restore good health by careful manipulation of muscles and joints.

    Manual lymphatic drainage [MLD]

    is the legacy of the Danish therapist Dr. Emil Vodder and his wife Estrid since the 1930s. They discovered that gently palpating and moving the skin certainly stimulated the lymphatic system and improved congestive conditions. Hence they developed a system of t

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