says it all clearly..
Nothing as I do not have free time. Time is free for all of us from birth to death. How we fill it is our choice. I fill it with doing what I love. I like being the change that I want to see in the world, bringing light to people's lies in many forms, learning, and looking after my health and wellbeing.
My dream in life is to be healthy, happy, independent, and at the top of my field around the world.
The why and why else pages of my official website reveal them. And there's no PROFESSIONAL in my life. Everything I do is deeply personal and I don't distinguish between professional and personal.
Many lessons. Every lessons depended on the mistake.
Inconsistency in certain contexts, being too nice and kind when I should be firmer and less kind, sabotaging myself in certain contexts.
Changing people's lives for the better.
A challenge in life is to attract the attention of the RIGHT audience in the ocean of ads out there..
At the top of my field.
Nothing as I do not have clients.
Not applicable. This is not a JOB, and I don't WORK in this field. I do it as a joy, not as a job.
Calmly and peacefully. With a cool head, the view of the stressor, and the horizon of a solution.
No because I don't have clients.
Yes. Without hesitation.
Yes. Many times.
Changing people's lives in a combination of ways that no one else in the world has; and what makes a difference.
Nothing. I don't have clients.
To be healthy, happy, independent, and world renowned in my fields.
100%, 5 out of 5, top of the pops.