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  • Oct 10, 01:57
    Last Update: Oct 09, 21:53
    Rent.Love: What is your greatest professional achievement?
    BelleRose: so far completing beauty school and getting a AA degree in psych. definitely wanna finish and get my BA one day!
    14 Answers
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  • Oct 16, 01:20
    Last Update: Oct 04, 23:15
    Rent.Love: Have you ever had difficulty getting others to accept your vision?
    Queenie: Yes
    22 Answers
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  • Last Update: Oct 01, 06:49
    Rent.Love: What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
    companion: Inconsistency in certain contexts, being too nice and kind when I should be firmer and less kind, sabotaging myself in certain contexts.
    22 Answers
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  • Last Update: Oct 01, 06:47
    Rent.Love: What are you looking for, in a new client?
    courtesan: Attention to detail, discipline, intelligence, communicativeness, equal effort, respect, education, maturity, life experience, common sense, gentlemanly manners, correctly set principles.
    22 Answers
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