Deposit Is Not A Dirty Word*... (part one)
*when due dilligence is done. (Try saying that 5 times fast 😂) In seriousness, this is a topic that comes up often when discussing bookings with a potential client. Depending on where in the world SP's and clients reside, deposits may be basically a given, to unheard of, or somewhere in between. This is a topic I have general awareness of what the situations in multiple countries are, but I'm most qualified to speak in detail on my specific situation - that is as an escort working in a mid-size city in ON, Canada. I will also concede that in terms of rates I am on the lower end of "mid-range" in my province, but that I am still in a relatively privileged position compared to some other escorts. And some escorts are well-positioned but simply don't wish to charge deposits (that's fine and valid too). This post is 100% not meant to shame anyone's rates or practices; and it is my hope by also participating in Sex Worker Activism it will be possible to raise the standards+safety for all sex workers, wherever they are on the spectrum of rates. But there are some very vocal (and seemingly very irate) client-focused communities on the internet who will insist that one should never pay a deposit; that any provider who requires a deposit is a scammer; that it should be "good enough" to show up with cash; that they should try to manipulate providers who require deposits into dropping the requirement and so forth. It is my assertion that this is not only reprehensible behaviour, but that individuals who claim they will never pay a deposit because they were scammed (or know someone who was) are indeed victims, but did not do their due dilligence in vetting an ad. I think it's terrible when a potential client is swindled for a deposit. This harms clients, as well as SP's when bad actors make it harder to obtain deposits. So in the next few entries, I'm going to cover the 5 W's of deposits, Doing Due Dilligence, and Safe+Responsible Deposit Sending. Stay Tuned!